Baru-baru ni saya perlukan cash, tp masa tu belum gaji lagi...huhuhu...what to do?? then, one of my fren suggested this easy payment by it really that EASY?? i need the money, so i just give it a try la kan...wah!! mmg sgt2 easy i tell u!! so, for those yg perlukan cash dgn segera, hope this info will help u okeh...
- go to the nearest RHB branch - yg kaler pink ye...bleh semak senarai outlet dlm link kat bwh ni
- no forms to fill, just bring your Mycard
- on-the-spot approval (less than 10 min)
- click here for more info k..
why i like it...
- senang sangat2, tunjuk Mycard je
- staf rhb akan tanya mcm2, i.e keja kat mana, pernah wat loan or tak, ada kad kredit tak, etc...etc...
- pengalaman saya pulak, 10 min untuk derang check whether application kita ok or tak, then another 10 min untuk duit di transfer to account
- office hour - 10am to 10pm (E V E R Y D A Y!!!) caya lah...pas keja or sabtu n ahad pun still bleh apply loan...
- monthly payment tak appear dlm payslip!! wah...2 thumbs up!!
what i dunt like...
- hmm...kadar yg agak tinggi laaa...but still, worth it sbb monthly payment tak appear dlm payslip
- kalu nak wat full-settlement, kena tunggu 12 months @ 1 year okeh...
p/s : tidak digalak kan pinjam duit untuk shopping ek...ngeee =)
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