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Monday, March 21, 2011

Presentation skills?

Adoyai..kepala byk pusing nak menyiapkan assignment BEL 492 nih.  Madam asked us to write a preparation outline and the deadline is TODAY!!!  Last week dah berjaya berlagak seperti seorang lecturer yang tak berlesen..kikikiki (kena present kat depan kelas n kengkawan).  The 2nd presentation tak tau lagi bila??  Hmm... (- __-)"

My first assignment is about road accidents in Malaysia - the major causes n how changing our habit may save life.  Saya sangat suka dengan topic ni.  Don't text/sms and drive!!  Bahaya tau.  

The 2nd assignment saya suka nak share dengan semua what is HPV and it relation to cervical cancer.  Agak tak sabar sebenarnya nak share all the information dengan kengkawan. *wink-wink*  Nt kalu ada 'masa', saya akan share kat blog ni ye...btw, saya pernah cerita pasal HPV injection before, kan?  Nt saya sambung ye cerita tu okeh?  Till then, daaaaa....

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